
All our holiday apartments have been tastefully furnished with great love for detail. Naturally, they all come with all necessary linen for kitchen, dining and beds. Guests can look forward to spending leisurely hours in one of the recliners in our beautiful garden. To welcome you, we have stacked your fridge with cold drinks. Whenever temperatures plummet, central heating is available to you, even in summer. Do check out our off-season deals - we look forward to your visit. Parking is available beside the building. Grid square G3 / Brochure page 148


Book with Ferienwohnungen Haus Marx

Number of People
From 130,00 € per unit

Ferienwohnung Erdgeschoss West

From 150,00 € per unit

Ferienwohnung 2. Stock Ost

From 130,00 € per unit

Ferienwohnung 1. Stock Ost


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